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HW Assignment for Math 124 Assignment Information This page will give a complete listing of the reading and homework assignments that you are required to do. There is also a listing of the Exam schedule for the semester. The homework will be done with WeBWorK (alternate entrance is http://webwork.sdsu.edu/html/current_courses.html). This is an electronic homework system, which is graded automatically on the due date. This system has been extremely successful over many years. The grades of students taking the course have been highly correlated with the scores on the WeBWorK homework assignments, so it is very important that you take this homework seriously (worth 9% of the lecture grade). On each problem of each assignment, you are allowed 10 tries to get the correct answer. Information on logging into WeBWorK is given by this hyperlink. Week 14-15: The Final is Mon, May 8, 15:30-17:30. A review sheet (with solutions) is available to help you prepare for the lecture part of Exam 3: Mon, May 1. There is a practice lab (with solutions) for the Lab Exam on Friday, Apr 28. Lecture material continues on integration by substitution and definite integration. PDF lectures notes for Integration by Substitution (4-Panel), Riemann Sums and Numerical Integration (4-Panel), and Definite Integrals (4-Panel) are available.The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2intbysub are due by Tues. Apr. 25 at 4 AM. There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Integration by Substitution. Solutions are available for Integration by Substitution. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2riemann are due by Fri. Apr. 28 at 4 AM.There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Riemann Sums and Numerical Integration. Solutions are available for Riemann Sums and Numerical Integration. The problems on definite integrals in WeBWork called set ABioc2definte_int are due by Sat. Apr. 29 at 4 AM. There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Definite Integrals. The solutions are available for Definite Integrals. More details are below about the scope of the final. PDF lectures notes for Qualitative Analysis for Differential Equations (4-Panel) are available. There are review problems called set ABioc4finrev are due by Mon, May 8 at 4 AM. These problems work as a review for the final and count as extra credit toward your HW grade. There is also a set called ABioc2LabExtra are due by Sat, May 6 at 4 AM, and these problems count as extra credit toward your lab score. (Ignore any parts of the questions that suggest a written lab report.) Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday and Wednesday are from integration by substitution and definite integrals. Homework Quiz: No HW Quiz this week. Lab Exam and review for Exam 3 and the Final. Lab Help: In lab we showed what is expected for graphs (do and don'ts). We have a document on the step-by-step methods to produce a good graph in Excel 2010. Also, there is additional documentation on what is expected through the link to the Good Graph Document. For those interested in purchasing Maple, you can access the Maple adoption sheet through this hyperlink. Tutoring There is a Math Learning Center in Love Library room LL328, which has free tutoring. This is a good place for help on HW problems, but not the Computer Lab questions. The Department of Math has additional information, which can be found at the Math Office. They also have a list of Private Tutors . Grading and Exam Information This section will give you information about exams throughout the semester. The grading for this course is based on 70% from the lecture material and 30% from the lab. The lecture grade is 7% from lecture participation (I-Clicker), 9% from the WeBWorK homework assignments, and 84% from the HW Quizzes, three Exams, and a Final. The lab grade is from approximately 13 computer labs and the 3 Lab Quizzes, which each count twice a normal lab. (You will be able to drop one lab score.) The labs are due by Thursday at 9 PM, after which no credit is given. Your Final of the semester occurs on Mon, May 8, 15:30-17:30. Review for the final is best accomplished using previous review sheets, Quizzes, and Exams. The material is comprehensive, see the outline below. Note that you will only be able to use a Scientific Calculator. Due to cheating in the past, we are restricting the choice to the TI-30X series (TI-30Xa, TI-30XS, or TI-30X IIS). In addition, you can have three 3x5 notecards (both sides). Cell phones, purses, and backpacks will be put in the front of the room for the duration of the final. (Please turn off cell phones before leaving them in the front!) Summary of topics for Final:
The Solutions to Exams are available through the links below:
Exam Dates
Anyone receiving a score less than 50% on the Final may not obtain a grade higher than a C-. Course Drop Deadlines: The University has a very strict policy on the drop deadline. You must drop this course by Jan. 31. Week 1: You need to familiarize yourself with this website so that you will know where to get the appropriate information for doing well in this course. You should start the WeBWorK assignments immediately and let me know if I made any mistakes entering your name or RedID number for the login and password. See the WeBWorK login instructions for details. Preparation: Previously, many students had difficulty with this course with the primary problem being insufficient Algebra skills. Now enrollment requires an adequate score on the ALEKS exam (> 74) or at least a C in Math 141, which sets a minimum standard of Algebra. We are hoping that this significantly decreases the number of students doing poorly in this class. To help you practice using WeBWorK and to help you understand the Algebra skills asked in this class, there is an Algebra Review using WeBWorK. This problem set in WeBWorK is given by Set ABiocAlg and consists of 53 problems that will be due by Sat. Jan 28 at 4 AM. (There is also a problem for changing your password and adding email to this account.) Reading assignment: Read all sections in the introduction to be familiar with the course policies and what is expected of you. (You may want to read the CSU and SDSU College of Sciences policy statement also.) PDF lectures notes for the Introduction (4-Panel) and Linear Models (4-Panel) are available. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioclinear. These problems are due by Sun. Jan 29 at 4 AM. The problems in the text, which closely parallel the WeBWorK problems, are available over the web at homework problems for Linear Modeling. Solutions for these problems are available on the web at Linear Modeling homework solutions. Before your Computer Lab on Friday, you should read the Help page for Lab 1 and work ABiocLab1A in WeBWorK that quizzes you on significant points about the Computer Lab that you will be working. These problems are due by Wed. Jan 25 at 4 AM. You may want to review the Sample Lab that explains many of the steps to creating a good lab for this course. Note: You need to be careful about submitting work to WeBWorK.You have a limited number of attempts (10 for HW problems and various numbers for Lab problems), and we will not give extra attempts unless you have a VERY good reason. The Computer Lab has a computer portion using WeBWorK and a written part, which is due in GMCS 421 or 422 on Thurs. Jan 26 by 9 PM (in the labeled box). The WeBWorK portion (ABiocLab1) is due by Fri. Jan 27 at 4 AM. The first computer lab consists of 3 primary questions and a question associated with the Help page. You can get more information to answer the Help page question from the Lab 1 Help page. More help for the lab can be found in a Lab Manual. The other 3 questions have multiple parts. You answer some of the questions in WeBWorK much like your homework problems based on the answers that you derive in the Computer Lab. The first part of the Lab (ABiocLab1A) is due by Wed. Jan 25 at 4 AM, while the second part of the Lab (ABiocLab1) is due by Fri. Jan 27 at 4 AM (before the next lab). The questions in WeBWorK have parts that are written in a Lab Report and are clearly labeled. You and your partner will turn in a single Lab Report with 2 cover pages (or one Cover Page for each member of the group if different from 2) in GMCS 425. Graded I-Clicker questions on Wednesday relate to material in the introduction and linear modeling notes. For Monday, the questions will come from material on linear and quadratic functions. Homework Quiz: Every week, in which you do NOT have a Lab Quiz, will be a HW Quiz based on the problems that you work on WeBWorK. You will work this HW Quiz under the same conditions as the Lecture Exams, meaning that you can have a 3x5 note card and a TI-30X Scientific Calculator. However, this first week will simply be working on the computer lab for the entire period. Week 2: Continue reading the notes in Linear Models (4-Panel), then work the problems in WeBWorK called set ABioclinear. These problems are due by Sun. Jan Jan 29 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. The problems in the text, which closely parallel the WeBWorK problems, are available over the web at homework problems for Linear Modeling. Solutions for these problems are available on the web at Linear Modeling homework solutions. Formulate questions about both the lab and homework to ask in class.PDF lectures notes for Quadratics (4-Panel), Least Squares (4-Panel) and Function Review (4-Panel) are available. (More reading material can be found in the text under Least Square Analysis or Function Review and Quadratics from the lecture notes from Math 121.) WeBWorK set for Least Squares called set ABioclstsq are due by Thur. Feb 2 at 4 AM. Parallel homework problems for Least Squares follow the ones in WeBWork. Solutions for the Least Squares are available. There are also problems for the Function Review and Quadratics in WeBWorK called set ABiocquad (due by Tues. Jan 31 at 4 AM) and set ABiocfcnrev (due by Sun. Feb 5 at 4 AM). Similar homework problems to the WeBWork for the lectures on Quadratics and Function Review are available. Solutions for the Quadratics and Function Review sections are available. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday relate to material on linear and quadratic functions. Wednesday questions relate to material in the quadratic, least squares, and function review notes, including basic definitions of functions. Homework Quiz: Every week, in which you do NOT have a Lab Quiz, will be a HW Quiz based on the problems that you work on WeBWorK. You will work this HW Quiz under the same conditions as the Lecture Exams, meaning that you can have a 3x5 note card and a TI-30X Scientific Calculator. For this first HW Quiz, there will be two or three questions to work from the Linear (ABioclinear) and Quadratic (ABiocquad) HW assignments. The problems from the Linear section will be similar to the HW Problems 17, 18, 19, and 20. The problems from the Quadratic section will be similar to the HW Problems 6, 7, 9, and 10. Week 3: PDF lectures notes for the Function Review (4-Panel), Other Function and Asymptotes (4-Panel), and Allometric Modeling (4-Panel) are available. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioclstsq are due by Thur. Feb 2 at 4 AM. There are problems for the Function Review and Quadratics in WeBWorK called set ABiocfcnrev (due by Sun. Feb 5 at 4 AM) and set ABiocquad (due by Tues. Jan 31 at 4 AM). In addition, problems for the Other Functions and Asymptotes in WeBWorK called set ABiocotherfcn are due by Tues. Feb 7 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. Similar homework problems to the WeBWork for the lectures on Quadratics and Function Review are available. Solutions for the Quadratics and Function Review sections are available. Also, homework problems for the section on Other Functions and Asymptotes are available with Solutions for the Other Functions and Asymptotes. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABiocallometric are due by Thur. Feb 9 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. Similar problems for the Allometric section are available at homework problems with Solutions for Allometric Modeling. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday relate to material on function review and polynomials and rational functions. Questions on Wednesday relate to material on rational, exponential, and/or logarithmic functions. Homework Quiz: The second HW Quiz will have three questions to work from the Function Review (ABiocfcnrev), Other Functions, (ABiocotherfcn), and Allometric (ABiocallometric) HW assignments. The possible problems from the Function Review section will be similar to one of the HW Problems 16 and 17. From the Other Functions section concentrate on HW Problems 5, 7, 8, and 9. From the Allometric section possible problems will relate to HW Problems 1 and 2. Week 4: The lectures begin Trigonometric functions. This week will also begin material on Discrete Dynamical Models. PDF lectures notes for Trigonometry (4-Panel) and Discrete Dynamical Systems (4-Panel) are available. Your first Exam of the semester occurs on Wed, Feb 22. A review sheet (with solutions) is available to help you prepare for the lecture part of the exam along with a practice lab (with solutions) for the Lab Exam on Friday, Feb 24. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABiocallometric are due by Thur. Feb 9 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. Similar problems for the Allometric section are available at homework problems with Solutions for Allometric Modeling. The problems in WeBWorKcalled set ABioc2trig are due by Tues. Feb 14 at 4 AM. You can find parallel problems to the Web Work problems on Trigonometry. There are solutions to the Trigonometry HW. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABiocdiscrete are due by Sat. Feb 18 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. The text has similar homework problems with Solutions for the Discrete Dynamical Systems. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday day relate to material on allometric and trigonometric functions. Questions on Wednesday relate to material on trigonometric functions and possibly discrete models. Homework Quiz: The third HW Quiz will have 2-3 questions from the Allometric (ABiocallometric) and Trigonometric (ABioc2trig) HW assignments. The possible problems from the Allometric section relate to HW Problems 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and 11, while the emphasis from the Trigonometric HW are problems like 14, 15, 16, and 17. Week 5: Your first Exam of the semester occurs on Wed, Feb 22. A review sheet (with solutions) is available to help you prepare for the lecture part of the exam along with a practice lab (with solutions) for the Lab Exam on Friday, Feb 24. The lecture exam will cover through the material on Linear Discrete Dynamical Models. This week begins material on Linear Discrete Dynamical Models and may introduce the derivative. PDF lectures notes for Discrete Dynamical Systems (4-Panel), Linear Discrete Dynamical Models (4-Panel) and the Introduction to the Derivative (4-Panel) are available.The problems in WeBWorKcalled set ABioc2trig are due by Tues. Feb 14 at 4 AM. You can find parallel problems to the Web Work problems on Trigonometry. There are solutions to the Trigonometry HW. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABiocdiscrete are due by Sat. Feb 18 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. The text has similar homework problems with Solutions for the Discrete Dynamical Systems. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioclindiscrete are due by Tues. Feb 21 at 4 AM. The text also has similar homework in the Linear Discrete Dynamical Models section. Solutions for the Linear Discrete Dynamical Models are available. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABiocintroderiv are due by Sat. Feb 25 at 4 AM. The WebWork problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. The text has related homework problems for the Introduction to the Derivative section. Solutions for the Introduction to the Derivative are available. Graded I-Clicker questions relate to material on trigonometric functions, discrete and possibly linear discrete models. Homework Quiz: The fourth HW Quiz will have 2-3 questions from the Trigonometric HW, the Discrete (ABiocdiscrete), and possibly the Linear Discrete(ABioclindiscrete) HW assignments. The possible problems from the Trigonometric HW are problems like 23 and 24, the Discrete section relate to HW Problems 3, 4, and 5, while the emphasis from the Linear Discrete HW are problems like 1, 2, and 3. No Quiz on Feb. 24. Week 6: Lecture material continues with the derivative. PDF lectures notes for Velocity and Tangent Lines (4-Panel), Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative (4-Panel), and Rules of Differentiation (4-Panel) are available.The problems in WeBWorK called set ABiocveltang are due by Fri. Mar. 3 at 4 AM. The text has related homework problems for the Velocity and Tangent Lines sections. Solutions for the Velocity and Tangent Lines sections are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative material and are called set ABioclimits are due by Mon. Mar. 6 at 4 AM. The text has related homework problems for the Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative section. Solutions for the Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative are available. The problems in WeBWorK are available for the Rules of Differentiation material and are called set ABiocrules are due by Wed. Mar. 8 at 4 AM. The text has related homework problems for the Rules of Differentiation section. Solutions for the Rules of Differentiation are available. Graded I-Clicker questions relate to material on relationship between velocity and position, tangent lines, the properties of limits, and basic rules for derivatives. Homework Quiz: The HW Quiz will have questions similar to the HW problems from the sections Velocity and Tangent 2,3, Limits 7,8 and Rules of Differentiation 2,3,9. Week 7: Lecture material continues on differentiation. PDF lectures notes for theLimits, Continuity, and the Derivative (4-Panel), Applications of the Derivative (4-Panel), Derivative of ex and ln(x) (4-Panel), and Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions (4-Panel) are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative material and are called set ABioclimits are due by Mon. Mar. 6 at 4 AM. The text has related homework problems for the Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative section. Solutions for the Limits, Continuity, and the Derivative are available. The problems in WeBWorK are available for the Rules of Differentiation material and are called set ABiocrules are due by Wed. Mar. 8 at 4 AM. The text has related homework problems for the Rules of Differentiation section. Solutions for the Rules of Differentiation are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Applications of the Derivative material and are called set ABioapplder (due by Fri. Mar. 10 at 4 AM). The text has related homework problems for the Applications of the Derivative section. Solutions for the Applications of the Derivative are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Derivative of ex and ln(x) material and are called set ABioexpln (due by Mon. Mar. 13 at 4 AM). The text has related homework problems for the Derivative of ex and ln(x) section. Solutions for the Derivative of ex and ln(x) are available. The problems in WeBWorKcalled set ABioc2difftrig is due by Wed. Mar. 15 at 4 AM. The HW problems on Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions are available with solutions to the Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions HW. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday relate to maxima and minima, points of inflection for polynomials, the derivative of an exponential and logarithmic functions, and possibly trig functions. Also, graphing and minima or maxima of exponential, or logarithmic functions. On Wednesday, the graded questions are derivatives from trig functions and possibly product rule. Homework Quiz: The HW Quiz will have three questions with problems similar to the HW problems from the sections Applications of the Derivative (#5,6) or Differentiation of ex and ln(x) (#4, 5, 6), and Differentiation of Trigonometric functions (#2, 3, 4). Week 8: Your second Exam of the semester occurs on Wed, Mar 22. A review sheet (with solutions) is available to help you prepare for the lecture part of the exam. There is a practice lab (with solutions) for the Lab Exam on Fri, Mar 17. There are additional practice differentiation problems (ABiocDer_rev) on WeBWorK, which are optional and provided for students wanting more practice performing the rules of differentiation. These will not be graded, but could be used for statistical purposes on class success in the future. Lecture material continues techniques of differentiation. PDF lectures notes for the Product Rule (4-Panel), and Quotient (4-Panel), and Chain (4-Panel) are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Derivative of ex and ln(x) material and are called set ABioexpln (due by Mon. Mar. 13 at 4 AM). The text has related homework problems for the Derivative of ex and ln(x) section. Solutions for the Derivative of ex and ln(x) are available. The problems in WeBWorKcalled set ABioc2difftrig is due by Wed. Mar. 15 at 4 AM. The HW problems on Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions are available with solutions to the Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions HW. WeBWork problems are available for the Product Rule and are called set ABioproduct (due by Fri. Mar. 17 at 4 AM) The text has related homework problems for the Product Rule section. Solutions for the Product Rule are available. WeBWork problems are available for the Quotient Rule and are called set ABiocquotient (due by Sun. Mar. 19 at 4 AM). The text also has homework problems for the Quotient Rule section. Solutions for the Quotient Rule are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Chain Rule and are called set ABioc2chain (due by Tues. Mar. 21 at 4 AM). Similar problems are available in the text for the Chain Rule section. Solutions for the Chain rule homework are available. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday, the graded questions are derivatives from product rule and quotient rule. On Wednesday, the graded questions are related to Chain rule and possibly Optimization (foraging or box). Homework Quiz: No HW Quiz because of Lab Exam on Fri, Mar 17. Week 9: Your second Exam of the semester occurs on Wed, Mar 22. A review sheet (with solutions) is available to help you prepare for the lecture part of the exam. There is a practice lab (with solutions) for the Lab Exam on Fri, Mar 17. There are additional practice differentiation problems (ABiocDer_rev) on WeBWorK, which are optional and provided for students wanting more practice performing the rules of differentiation. These will not be graded, but could be used for statistical purposes on class success in the future. Details on which Optimization problems are covered on the Exam (and Quiz) see below in Exam Information. Lecture material continues techniques of differentiation. PDF lectures notes for the Product Rule (4-Panel), Quotient (4-Panel), and Optimization (4-Panel) are available. WeBWorK problems are available for the Chain Rule and are called set ABioc2chain (due by Tues. Mar. 21 at 4 AM). Similar problems are available in the text for the Chain Rule section. Solutions for the Chain rule homework are available. Optimization problems are available for WeBWorK (Set Bioc2opt) and are due by Tues. Apr. 4 at 4 AM. Related problems to the WeBWorK ones are available from in the Optimization homework section. There are solutions to the Optimization homework problems. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday relate to material on the Chain rule and Optimization. Wednesday is Exam 2. Homework Quiz: This week, the HW Quiz will relate to questions similar to the Exam. Optimization problems you must know are from Lecture notes (Optimal foraging, study plot, and box), HW problems (2-5), and Review sheet (18,19). Week 11: Lecture material continues optimizaation and begins discrete dynamical models and differential equations. PDF lectures notes for Optimization (4-Panel), Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Part 1 Logistic Growth (4-Panel), Nonlinear Dynamical Systems: Part 2 Other Models (4-Panel), and Introduction to Differential Equations (4-Panel) are available. Optimization problems are available for WeBWorK (Set Bioc2opt) and are due by Tues. Apr. 4 at 4 AM. Related problems to the WeBWorK ones are available from in the Optimization homework section. There are solutions to the Optimization homework problems. You should begin working the WeBWorK problems from the Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (Set Bioc2logistic), which are due Sun. Apr. 9 at 4 AM. Related problems to the WeBWorK ones are available in the Nonlinear Dynamical Systems homework, and they are available with solutions to the Nonlinear Dynamical Systems homework. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2introde is due by Tues. Apr. 11 at 4 AM. The text has similar homework problems in the section on Introduction to Differential Equations. Solutions are available for the Introduction to Differential Equations. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday and Wednesday are on optimization, discrete dynamical models (updating functions and time series), and the introduction to differential equations. Homework Quiz: The questions are closely related to the HW Problems from Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (#1, 3, 5, 7) and Inroduction to Differential Equations (#2, 3). Week 12: Lecture material continues discrete dynamical models and begins differential equations.PDF lectures notes for the Introduction to Differential Equations (4-Panel), Linear Differential Equations (4-Panel), and Differential Equations and Integration (4-Panel) are available. In Lab, you cover the lecture material from Numerical Methods for Differential Equations (4-Panel). The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2introde is due by Tues. Apr. 11 at 4 AM. The text has similar homework problems in the section on Introduction to Differential Equations. Solutions are available for the Introduction to Differential Equations. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2linearde are due by Sat. Apr. 15 at 4 AM. The WebWork problems parallel the ones in the text or on this website. The text has similar problems on Linear Differential Equations. Solutions are available for the Linear Differential Equations. There are a small number of HW problems for the Numerical Methods of Differential Equations, which is covered in the Computer Lab. These are probably best worked using an Excel spreadsheet to help solve. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2numerde are due by Fri. Apr. 14 at 4 AM.The text has similar problems on Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. Solutions are available for the Numerical Methods for Differential Equations. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2deint are due by Wed. Apr. 19 at 4 AM. Other related homework problems are in the section on Differential Equations and Integration. Solutions are available for the Differential Equations and Integration. Graded I-Clicker questions for the I-Clicker questions are associated with basic differential equations and linear differential equations. Wednesday are on linear differential equations and possibly some basic differential equations and integraton. Homework Quiz: Thequestions are closely related to the HW Problems from Linear Differential Equations (#2, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14) and Differential Equations and Integration (#1, 2, 3, 4). Week 13: A review sheet (with solutions) is available to help you prepare for the lecture part of the exam. There is a practice lab (with solutions) for the Lab Exam on Friday, Apr 28. Lecture material continues differential equations and integration. PDF lectures notes for Separation of Variables (4-Panel), Integration by Substitution (4-Panel), Riemann Sums and Numerical Integration (4-Panel), and Definite Integrals (4-Panel) are available. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2deint are due by Wed. Apr. 19 at 4 AM. Other related homework problems are in the section on Differential Equations and Integration. Solutions are available for the Differential Equations and Integration. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2sepde are due by Sun. Apr. 23 at 4 AM. There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Separation of Variables. Solutions are available for Separation of Variables. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2intbysub are due by Tues. Apr. 25 at 4 AM. There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Integration by Substitution. Solutions are available for Integration by Substitution. The problems in WeBWorK called set ABioc2riemann are due by Fri. Apr. 28 at 4 AM.There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Riemann Sums and Numerical Integration. Solutions are available for Riemann Sums and Numerical Integration. The problems on definite integrals in WeBWork called set ABioc2definte_int are due by Sat. Apr. 29 at 4 AM. There are related homework problems in the text for the sections on Definite Integrals. The solutions are available for Definite Integrals. Graded I-Clicker questions on Monday are from separable differential equations. Wednesday the I-Clicker questions are from the integration by substitution and midpoint and trapezoid rules. The next Monday questions are from definite integrals. Homework Quiz: The three quiz questions will be similar to the HW problems from the Differential Equations and Integration (#5, 7, 10), Separation of Variables HW (#4, 5, 10, 14), and Integration by Substitution HW (#3, 4, 9, 11).
Copyright © 2017 Joseph M. Mahaffy. |