Joseph M. Mahaffy SDSU
Math 337: Elementary Differential Equations Spring 2020
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HW Assignment for Math 337

This page will give a complete listing of the reading and homework assignments that you are required to do. In addition, Exam and Final dates will be listed. Most problems will be worked in WeBWorK. For WeBWorK students will login using their last name with a capital first letter and their Red ID number for a password. (Logins are case sensitive!) There are a few exceptions which can be found on WeBWorK Login Information. For example, suppose your name is Henri Poincare with Red ID number 314159265. Then you login with:

Username: Poincare
Password: 314159265

There is a Lab Manual (MATLAB and Maple) version, which will continue to be updated over the semester with detailed information for using MatLab and Maple on your assignments. For those interested in purchasing Maple, you can access the Maple adoption sheet through this hyperlink. MatLab can be downloaded from SDSU. Useful MatLab graphing template (graph_plot.m).

Week 9-10: Lectures on Second order differential equations. There are lecture notes for  Second Order Differential Equations, (4-panel) and Second Order Differential Equations - Part 2, (4-panel). These lectures cover classical linear second order differential equations, including the Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Variation of Parameters, and the Cauchy-Euler equation.
The second exam, Exam 2, is Fri. Apr. 10. Details about this exam are listed below under the heading of Notes about Quizzes and Exams.There is a Review Sheet (with Solutions).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called SecondDE, which is due Mon. Apr 13 at 4 AM. The WeBWorK problems have a few problems to be written up and turned in on Mon. Apr 13 at 4 AM via Gradescope (WW Assignment).
Online lecture and Lecture Quiz: You need to view -- Lecture 4: Second Order ODEs - Undetermined Coefficients. There is an associated Lecture Quiz 4, which is due Wed., Apr 8.
You also need to view -- Lecture 5: Second Order ODEs - Undetermined Coefficients (Part 2). There is an associated Lecture Quiz 5, which is due Tue., Apr 14.
Solution:: Solutions are available for Lecture Quiz 1 Solutions and Lecture Quiz 2 Solutions.

Week 11-13: Lectures continue on Second order differential equations, Second Order Differential Equations - Part 2, (4-panel). Lectures begin for Laplace Transforms. There are lecture notes for Laplace Transforms: Part A (4-panel) and Laplace Transforms: Part B (4-panel) There is an additional sheet for helping understand the step function and its Laplace transform. Maple commands are presented for Partial Fractions Decomposition and Inverse Laplace tranforms (along with the Maple sheet More Laplace solutions are done with Maple (
Online lecture and Lecture Quiz: You need to view -- Lecture 6: Second Order ODEs - Cauchy Euler Problems. There is an associated Lecture Quiz 6, which is due Wed., Apr 22. You also need to view -- Lecture 7: Second Order ODEs - Variation of Parameters . There is an associated Lecture Quiz 7, which is due Sat., Apr 25.
Solutions: There are solutions to Exam 2. Solutions are available for Lecture Quiz 3 Solutions.
HW assignment: WeBWorK called Laplace, which is due Sat. May 2 at 4 AM. (Step Example.)
The third exam, Exam 3, is Mon. May 4 and will have a similar format to Exam 2. This exam covers second order differential equations and Laplace transforms. There is a Review Sheet (with Solutions). I haighly recommend that you work the review sheet with just the Laplace Table that has been provided for you and you should have been using on your HW problems.

Week 14-15: There are lecture notes for Power Series (4-panel).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called PowerSer, which is due Fri. May 8 at 4 AM.


Lists of Lecture Videos and Lecture Quizzes
Most videos are on unsubscribed YouTube Channels


Notes about Quizzes and Exams

Due to the Coronavirus, COVID-19, this course was mandated to go to an all online format, which includes all subsequent exams in the semester. It follows that all exams are necessarily online and require that you adhere to the San Diego State University standard for Student Conduct. These take-home exams must be done by the student enrolled in the class without help from others. The exams are open book/open notes and may be aided by computer software; however, basic answers alone are not adequate as software, such as Maple can easily obtain answers. You will be required to show your work using techniques demonstrated in the online course for most of the credit.

The previous Exam portion of the grade, which was 60% of the grade, will be reduced (still being decided) with a larger portion of your grade determined by the HW, including WeBWorK, and the Lecture Quizzes associated with the online video lectures. The actual take-home exams will be assigned a specific date and most probably administered via WeBWorK with written answers entered into Gradescope. The exam will open at midnight (PDT) on the date specified and be open for 24 hours. Extensions of the time period will not be accepted without written documentation of a just cause (such as a death in the family).

The Final, is Fri. May 8 and will have a similar format to Exam 2 and 3. The Final begins at midnight, Fri. May 8 and ends midnight, Sat. May 9 (24 hr). The final is comprehensive and covers all material from the semester. The best review is previous Exams, Review sheets, and your HW problems.

Solutions for Quizzes and Exams


Old Assignments

Week 1: There are lecture notes for an Introduction (4-Panel) and Qualitative Theory (4-Panel). There is supplemental material for using Maple from the Introduction to Maple Commands (Maple .mw) and Direction Field (Maple .mw).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called Intro DirF, which is due Wed. Feb. 5 at 4 AM. There are some written HW problems embedded inside the WeBWorK problems, which need to be turned in by Wed. Feb. 5.

Week 2: There are lecture notes for an Linear (4-Panel) . There is supplemental material for using MatLab from Basic MatLab (murder.m, murder_plot.m) and MatLab Programming (lake2.m, lake_level.m, lake2_plot.m, fishdat.mat, sumsq_vonBert.m, vonBert_plot.m, powerfit.m, allo_plot.m, Hg_plot.m, sumsq_nonlin.m, sumsq_cubic.m, sumsq_Hg.m, sumsq_wtfish.m, wtfish.m).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called PhasePort, which is due Fri. Feb. 7 at 4 AM.

Week 3: There are lecture notes for Separable Equations (4-Panel).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called LinSep, which is due Mon. Feb 17 at 4 AM. There are some written HW problems embedded inside the WeBWorK problems, which need to be turned in by Mon. Feb 17 by class time. There is a special MatLab handout to help with Problem 18.
Solutions: There are solutions to selected problems from HW1 WeBWorK: Intro DirF and solutions to the written part turned in. Hopefully these will be useful study reviews.

Week 4: There are lecture notes for Exact and Bernoulli Equation (4-Panel).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called Exact-EU, which is due Fri. Feb. 21 at 4 AM.
Solutions: There are solutions to selected problems from HW2 WeBWorK: LinSep and solutions to the written part turned in. These solutions should help reviewing the material on linear and separable ODEs.

Week 5: There are lecture notes for Existence and Uniqueness (4-Panel) and Numerical Methods (4-Panel). MatLab code for Numerical Methods section (euler.m, im_euler.m, numeg.m, numeg_plot.m, numeg2.m, numeg2_plot.m, pop.m, pop_plot.m). There is also an Excel sheet for the numerical methods, numeg.xls
The first exam, Exam 1, is Fri. Mar. 6. There is a Review Sheet (with Solutions).
HW assignment: WeBWorK called NumDE, which is due Wed. Mar 4 at 4 AM. In addition to the written HW inside the WeBWorK assignment (last 3 problems), there is a proof problem to be written up. (For the Eqn. (20) in this problem use the information on the hyperlinked. The written assignment is due Wed. Mar 4. The Numerical Methods assignment is readily done by computer; however, you are still responsible for Euler's method on the Exam, so it is highly recommended that you complete some of these problems by hand.

Week 6-7: There are lecture notes for 2D_Linear Systems_A (4-Panel) and 2D_Linear Systems_B (4-Panel). In addition there are information sheets for MatLab (greenhouse.m, greenh_plot.m, compet.m) and Maple ( on handling systems of differential equations.
Solutions: There are solutions to Exam 1a and Exam 1b. Grade distribution of class is available.
HW assignment: WeBWorK called DELinAlg, which is due Wed. Mar 11 at 4 AM. This assignment is simply a review of some important problems from Linear Algebra. WeBWorK called Sys2D is due Fri. Mar 20 at 4 AM. This assignment covers material for solving and interpreting systems of two first order linear differential equations, and includes a few problems to be written up and turned in on Fri. Mar 20 via Gradescope (WW Assignment).

Week 8: Lectures continue on 2D systems of differential equations. There are lecture notes for 2D_Linear Systems_B (4-Panel)and applications 2D Linear Systems Appl (4-panel), along with Maple code for drawing the phase portraits (
HW assignment: There is a HW assignment on WeBWorK called SysApp, which is due Wed. Mar 25 at 4 AM. The written assignment is due Wed. Mar 25 via Gradescope. This assignment covers material for solving and interpreting systems of two first order linear differential equations. Graphs can be done by hand or using computer software such as pplane or DEplot in Maple.
Online lecture and Lecture Quiz: You need to view -- Lecture 1: 2D Linear Systems B. There is an associated Lecture Quiz 1, which is due Thur. Mar 19.
You also need to view -- Lecture 2: 2D Linear Systems Applications a. There is an associated Lecture Quiz 2, which is due Mon. Mar 23.
You also need to view -- Lecture 3: 2D Linear Systems Applications b. There is an associated Lecture Quiz 3, which is due Sat. Mar 28.


For questions concerning the webpage contact Joseph Mahaffy.



Copyright © 2020 Joseph M. Mahaffy.