Joseph M. Mahaffy SDSU
Math 541: Numerical Analysis Spring 2018
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HW Assignment for Math 541

This page will give a complete listing of the reading and homework assignments that you are required to do. In addition, Exam and Final dates will be listed. There will be both written and electronic Homework with the latter done in WeBWorK. Information on logging into WeBWorK is given by this hyperlink.

There is a Lab Manual (MATLAB and Maple) version, which will continue to be updated over the semester with detailed information for using MatLab and Maple on your assignments. For those interested in purchasing Maple, you can access the Maple adoption sheet through this hyperlink. Useful MatLab graphing template (graph_plot.m).

Week 13: We continue Least Squares fitting of data, Least Squares (4-Panel). Supplemental material on Population Growth and Allometric Models with the Planets (4-Panel) is available.
HW Assignment #8: Work the WeBWorK Problems (lst_sq) due Thur, May 3 at 4 AM. (Note that there are written parts, which will need to be turned in with the written assignment at class time on Wed, May 2.) You also have  written Homework Assignment 8 on Least Square methods. These problem are due Wed, May 2 at class time.
Exams: The Take-Home Exam 3 is due Fri, May 4 by 4 PM (under my office door GMCS 593).

Week 14-15: The lectures continue Least Squares fitting of data,Least Squares (4-Panel). The last lectures cover some material on higher dimensional Newton's method, Newton's Method Higher Dimensions (4-Panel), which we use for solving nonlinear least squares problems. There are Solutions for Homework 7 and Exam 2 available.
Project: Final submission of the Project Problems are due Wed, May 9 by 4 PM at my office. The Cover page is available (along with Word version and LaTeX version), and this hyperlinked page includes a discussion on what is expected.


Notes about Exams

Final will be Mon, May 7 at 10:30-12:30. The exam will cover material from the entire semester. Specically, solving f(x) = 0, Linear Algebra, Quadrature, and Least Squares. For the Final, you are allowed a Calculator. You should only need a cheap Scientific Calculator. You will need to show your steps, so you do not want to use any programming capabilities. All Cell phones must remain out of sight. You may have three 3x5 notecards with notes.


Old Assignments

Week 1: Read the Lecture Notes for the Introduction (4-Panel) and Calculus and Taylor's Theorem (4-Panel). For students wanting to learn Maple and see commands that I show in class, then notes are provided with the Maple coscos (and actual Maple code for coscos).
HW Assignment #1: Work the WeBWorK Problems called Taylor, which are due Thur, Jan 25 at 4 AM. You also have  written Homework Assignment 1 on Taylor series and some MatLab. These problem are due
Wed, Jan 24 at class time.

Week 2: We continue with Taylor's Theorem and begin the study of MatLab Programming and Numerical Error. Read the Lecture Notes forMatLab Programming (4-Panel) and Computer Arithmetic and Finite Precision (4 Panel).
HW Assignment #2: Work the WeBWorK Problems due Tues, Feb 6 at 4 AM. (Do NOT miss the parts where you create programs and graphs to include in the written part of the assignment.) You also have  written Homework Assignment 2 on Programming with MatLab. These problem are due Mon, Feb 5 at class time.

Week 3: We continue the study of MatLab Programming and begin Computer Arithmetic and Finite Precision (4 Panel). The latter topic introduces computational error due to finite information stored in a computer.
HW Assignment #3: Work the WeBWorK Problems due Tues, Feb 13 at 4 AM.

Week 4: We continue the study of Computer Arithmetic and begin Zeros and Roots (4 Panel). The latter topic introduces solving f(x) = 0 using different methods. Solutions for HW 1 are available.
HW Assignment #4: Work the WeBWorK Problems due Tues, Feb 20 at 4 AM. (Do NOT miss the parts where you create programs, analyze convergence, and include these with the written part of the assignment.) You also have  written Homework Assignment 4 on solving f(x) = 0. These problem are due Mon, Feb 19 at class time.

Week 5: We study Numerical Linear Algebra (4-Panel) and and Matrices (4-Panel). These studies show how to numerically solve Ax = b, where A is an nxn matrix. We investigate complications that arise in the numerical computations. Solutions for HW 2 and Solutions for HW 4 are available.
HW Assignment #5: Work the WeBWorK Problems (LinAlg) due Sun, Mar 11 at 4 AM. You also have  written Homework Assignment 5 on matrices and solving Ax = b. (Problems from the text refers to the Cleve Moler Linear Algebra section.) These problem are due Fri, Mar 9 at class time.
Exams: The Take-Home Exam is due Fri, Feb 23 at class time. The Exam 1 will occur on Wed, Feb 28. Solutions to the Take-Home Exam will appear on Sun, Feb 25. Take-Home Exam Solutions are available. (Grade distribution)

Week 6-7: We begin studies of Numerical Integration,Quadrature A (4-Panel) and Quadrature B (4-Panel).
HW Assignment #6: Work the WeBWorK Problems (Quad) due Wed, Mar 21 at 4 AM. (Note that there are written parts, which will need to be turned in with the written assignment at class time on Wed, Mar 21.You also have  written Homework Assignment 6 on Quadrature methods. These problem are due Wed, Mar 21 at class time. Exam 1 Solutions are available.
Exams: The Take-Home Exam is due Fri, Mar 23 at class time.
Project 1: Work the Project 1 Problems due Wed, Mar 21 at class time. The Cover page is available (along with Word version and LaTeX version), and this hyperlinked page includes a discussion on what is expected.

Week 8-9: We continue Numerical Integration, Quadrature B (4-Panel). We expand Interpolation and begin Splines, Splines (4-Panel).
Solutions for HW 5 and Solutions for HW 6 are available.
Exams: The Take-Home Exam is due Fri, Mar 23 at class time. The Exam 2 is Wed. April 4. It covers material from Linear Algebra and Numerical Quadrature. Solutions to the Take-Home Exam are available. 

Week 10-11: We lecture on Numerical Differentiation and Richardson Extrapolation, Differentiation and Richardson Extrapolation (4 Panel).
HW Assignment #7: Work the WeBWorK Problems (Spline) due Mon, Apr 16 at 4 AM. (Note that there are written parts, which will need to be turned in with the written assignment at class time on Mon, Apr 16.) You also have  written Homework Assignment 7 on Spline techniques. These problem are due Mon, Apr 16 at class time.
Exams: The second Midterm Exam is Wed. April 4. It covers material from Linear Algebra and Numerical Quadrature. Solutions to the Take-Home Exam are available.

Week 12: We continue Numerical Differentiation and Richardson Extrapolation, Differentiation and Richardson Extrapolation (4 Panel). The lectures begin Least Squares fitting of data, Least Squares (4-Panel).
Exam 2 Retake: With the numerous problems on Exam 2, especially from poor timing on my part, you are allowed to retake the exam as a Take-Home Exam for 50% of the points missed. As with any exam, this must be your own work! You will return your graded copy of Exam 2 with the corrections stapled to the back. (You only need to rework the parts that you have missed.) This will be due in a week, due Mon, Apr 16 at class time.


For questions concerning the webpage contact Joseph Mahaffy.



Copyright © 2018 Joseph M. Mahaffy.