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HW Assignment for Math 337 This page will give a complete listing of the reading and homework assignments that you are required to do. In addition, Exam and Final dates will be listed. Most problems will be worked in WeBWorK. For WeBWorK students will login using their last name with a capital first letter and their Red ID number for a password. (Logins are case sensitive!) There are a few exceptions which can be found on WeBWorK Login Information. For example, suppose your name is Henri Poincare with Red ID number 314159265. Then you login with: Username: Poincare There is a Lab Manual (MATLAB and Maple) version, which will continue to be updated over the semester with detailed information for using MatLab and Maple on your assignments. For those interested in purchasing Maple, you can access the Maple adoption sheet through this hyperlink. MatLab can be downloaded from SDSU. Useful MatLab graphing template (graph_plot.m). Week 11-13: Lectures continue on Second order differential equations, Second Order
Differential Equations - Part 2, (4-panel). Lectures begin for Laplace Transforms. There are lecture
notes for Laplace
Transforms: Part A (4-panel)
and Laplace
Transforms: Part B (4-panel) There is an additional sheet for helping understand the step function and its Laplace transform. Maple
commands are presented for Partial
Fractions Decomposition and Inverse Laplace tranforms
(along with the Maple sheet invLaplace.mw). More Laplace solutions are done with Maple (laplace.mw). A short Laplace Transform Table will be available for subsequent exams. Week 14-15: There are lecture
notes for Power Series (4-panel). _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Notes about Exams The Final is Fri. May 10. This exam is comprehensive, covering the entire semester, including one problem on Power Series (4-panel). The problems will closely resemble problems you have seen on previous exams or review sheets. It follows that the review sheets for the other exams and the other exams are your best study guides. You can view the Laplace Table that you will be given on the Final. For the Final,
you are allowed a Scientific Calculator (no
graphing or smart functions). All Cell phones must
remain out of sight. You may have three 3x5 note
cards. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Old Assignments Week 1: There are lecture
notes for an Introduction (4-Panel)
and Qualitative
Theory (4-Panel).
There is supplemental material for using Maple from the Introduction to Maple Commands (Maple .mw) and Direction Field (Maple .mw). Week 2: There are lecture notes for an Linear (4-Panel) . There is supplemental material for using MatLab from Basic MatLab (murder.m, murder_plot.m) and MatLab Programming (lake2.m, lake_level.m, lake2_plot.m, fishdat.mat, sumsq_vonBert.m, vonBert_plot.m, powerfit.m, allo_plot.m, Hg_plot.m, sumsq_nonlin.m, sumsq_cubic.m, sumsq_Hg.m, sumsq_wtfish.m, wtfish.m). Week 3: There are lecture
notes for Separable
Equations (4-Panel). Week 4: There are lecture notes for Exact and Bernoulli
Equation (4-Panel) and Existence and Uniqueness (4-Panel). Week 5: There are lecture notes for Numerical
Methods (4-Panel). MatLab code for Numerical Methods section (euler.m, im_euler.m, numeg.m, numeg_plot.m, numeg2.m, numeg2_plot.m, pop.m, pop_plot.m). There is also an Excel sheet for the numerical methods, numeg.xls. Week 6-7: There are lecture notes for 2D_Linear Systems_A (4-Panel) and 2D_Linear
Systems_B (4-Panel).
In addition there are information sheets for MatLab (greenhouse.m, greenh_plot.m, compet.m) and Maple (greenh.mw) on
handling systems of differential equations. Week 8: Lectures continue on 2D systems of differential
equations. There are lecture notes for 2D_Linear
Systems_B (4-Panel)and applications 2D Linear
Systems Appl (4-panel),
along with Maple
code for drawing the phase portraits (sys_plots.mw). Week 9-10: Lectures on Second order differential equations. There
are lecture notes for Second Order
Differential Equations, (4-panel)
and Second Order
Differential Equations - Part 2, (4-panel). These lectures cover classical linear second order differential equations, including the Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Variation of Parameters, and the Cauchy-Euler equation.
For questions concerning the webpage contact Joseph Mahaffy.
Copyright © 2019 Joseph M. Mahaffy. |