Revised Syllabus for Math 337 - Covid-19
Professor, Mathematical Biology |
Lectures: Cancelled for Semester |
Office phone: DNA |
Office Hours: MWF 12-3 by Zoom |
Fax: DNA |
Office location: Home |
E-mail: |
See the Original Syllabus for basic descriptions: This page is for revisions due to Covid-19. In particular, this page will list changes in the weighting of grades for different parts of the course. For students who are having particular trouble with the current emergency and coping with the online class format, SDSU is investigating ways to help you succeed, so pay attention to official announcements.
- Homework assignments, including WeBWorK and Gradescope submissions (40%)
- Homework Quiz and Lecture Quizzes for videos (16%)
- Exam 1 (10%) - Exams 2 and 3 Online (WeBWorK and Gradescope (8% each)
- Final (18%) - Online May 8 (likely WeBWorK and Gradescope and 24 hour window)
Because the course has gone online and time pressures of in-class exams are removed, the grade scale is likely reverting to the standard scale 90-100 is an A, 80-90 is a B, 70-80 is a C, 60-70 is a D, and below 60 is an F with + or - assigned near the boundary (within 2.5%).
For questions concerning the webpage
contact Joseph