Joseph M. Mahaffy SDSU
Math 337: Elementary Differential Equations Spring 2019
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Course Information for Math 337

Course Description

This course introduces students to differential equations. Computers are used for  modeling examples with MatLab, Maple, and Excel, being the primary computer tools demonstrated.

Details of the course and timelines are available on the HW Assignment page.

Math 337 - Spring 2019

Joseph Mahaffy
Professor, Mathematical Biology
Lectures: 13:00-13:50 MWF in GMCS 325 Office phone: 619-594-3743

Office Hours: M 1400-1550 in GMCS 593 and
W 1420-1550 in MLC 593

Fax: 619-594-6746
Office location: GMCS 593 E-mail:


Math 151 and 254

Textbook (optional):

Brannan and Boyce: Differential Equations: An Introduction to Modern Methods and Applications. Wiley 2015.
ISBN 978-1-118-53177-8

Brannan and Boyce

Alternate resources: Printed Lecture Notes (Bookstore)

Lab Manual (MatLab and Maple) and Lab Manual (Excel and Maple) are being developed with much of the first part completed and online.

Course Assessment and Grading

  • Grading:
    • Homework assignments, including WeBWorK (35%)
    • 3 Midterms (39%)
    • Final (26%)

The grade divisions are typically 85-100 is an A, 73-85 is a B, 62-73 is a C, 50-62 is a D, and below 50 is an F with + or - assigned near the boundary (within 3%).

The Syllabus has details on course policies.

For questions concerning the webpage contact Joseph Mahaffy.



Copyright © 2019 Joseph M. Mahaffy.