Joseph M. Mahaffy SDSU
Math 537: Ordinary Differential Equations Fall 2021
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Miscellaneous Material for Math 337

There is a very good commentary on the state of science today. An article appeared in Physics Today about an interview with Sydney Brenner (which appears to have been removed). The top science journal Science refers to this important commentary on how all science is adversely affected by the current way Universities and Government funding agencies reward faculty in science. The summary of the article is that the role of money and pressure from University administration works against the most innovative science. Sydney Brenner argues that the system needs fixing in his eulogy for Nobel laureate Frederick Sanger.

Learn more about your education costs and administration at this University. A webpage about CSU administrative shenanigans has been developed to keep you informed of some of the aggregious spending problems and build up of administration.

Under Development


For questions concerning the webpage contact Joseph Mahaffy.



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