Predator-Prey Modeling



Ecology of Predator-Prey System

this image kindly provided by Tom and Pat Leeson, who retain the copyright

Basic Population Model
Pn+1 = Pn + g(Pn).
Pn+1 = Pn + kPn = (1 + k)Pn.
Pn = (1 + k)Pn-1 = (1 + k)(1 + k)Pn-2 = (1 + k)2Pn-2

Pn = (1 + k)nP0

Predator-Prey Model (Lotka-Volterra)
Hn+1 = Hn + a1Hn - a2HnLn

Ln+1 = Ln - b1Ln + b2HnLn

Simulation of the Model

Model of Fishing
Fn+1 = Fn + a1Fn - a2FnSn - a3Fn

Sn+1 = Sn - b1Sn + b2FnSn - b3Sn


Fn+1 = Fn = Fe and Sn+1 = Sn = Se
Fe = Fe + a1Fe - a2FeSe - a3Fe

Se = Se - b1Se + b2FeSe - b3Se

Fe (a1 - a2Se - a3) = 0

Se(-b1 + b2Fe - b3) = 0

Fe = 0 or a1 - a2Se - a3 = 0
Se = 0 or -b1 + b2Fe - b3 = 0
Fe = 0 and Se = 0


Fe = (b1 + b3)/b2 and Se = (a1 - a3)/a2

Relating Equilibria to Fishing Data

Fe = b1/b2and Se= a1/a2
Fe = (b1 + b3)/b2 and Se = (a1 - a3)/a2
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