Computer Lab Policy for
Math 124
This page is designed to highlight key points on the
policy and grading of the Computer Labs in Math 124.
Laboratory Operation
- Laboratory Attendance is mandatory - No excuses
are accepted for missing a lab with the exception of a
written or documented evidence. If you miss a lab
without documentation, then you will receive a 10
pt deduction for the first missed lab and no
points on the written part for any subsequent
missed lab.
- Lab Pairings - Students will be assigned lab
partners. The pairings will be available at the front of
the lab. Students must work with the partner assigned
for each Lab. Any mismatched pairings caught
by graders will result in a 5 pt deduction
the first time and no points
- Partner Problems - If your partner
fails to respond to repeated inquiries to help with the
write-up, then you must notify one of the TAs
or the instructor. Under these circumstances,
you can work the Lab yourself and have your partner's
name removed without penalty. Your
partner will be notified that he or she will receive
a zero on that lab. Do not attempt to join
another group or all members will suffer the 5
pt deduction.
- Late Arrival - Students who arrive more than 10
minutes late to a lab will have to work
the lab by themselves. Students arriving more
than 30 minutes will counted as an unexcused
absent from the Lab. (See policy above.)
- Contact - For any questions about grading and
special requests for lab pairings contact one of the Lab
Lab Report Format
- Cover Page - There must be a typed cover
page with all names of the group for each person
in the group (usually 2 copies as labs are mostly worked
in pairs).
- Main Report - Write answers to the appropriate
questions from WeBWorK and include all necessary graphs.
- Details of Style - Specifics on what is
required in writing and graphing can be found at the Laboratory
Guidelines hyperlink.
- Saving - Students are responsible for saving
their lab work. They can store their material locally in
the My Documents folder, which will be erased
regularly during the semester, so should only be used
during lab time. Also, students should take advantage of
flash drives, CDs,
floppies, or emailing to themselves.
Lab Report Policy and Grading
- Labs Due - Labs are due on the following
Thursday by 9 PM in the boxes in GMCS 425. No Points
for late Labs.
- Grades - Lab scores (including Lab exams) are
30% of the course grade. The lowest lab score
of the semester is dropped.
- Picking Up Labs - When labs are graded, they
will be returned in the Lab. They will be kept for only
2 weeks after being graded, then recycled.
