Qualitative Analysis

Below we perform some qualitative analysis for a differential equation. We find equilibria and determine the eigenvalues (hence behavior) at the equilibria. Consider a modified Lotka-Volterra model, including intraspecies competition.

> MLVx := diff(x(t),t) = 0.2*x(t)*(1 - 0.1*x(t) - 0.2*y(t));
MLVy := diff(y(t),t) = 0.3*y(t)*(0.3*x(t)-1);

MLVx := diff(x(t),t) = .2*x(t)*(1-.1*x(t)-.2*y(t))

MLVy := diff(y(t),t) = .3*y(t)*(.3*x(t)-1)

We begin by viewing the graph of the model.

> DEplot([MLVx, MLVy], [x(t),y(t)], t=0..50, [[x(0)=1,y(0)=5],[x(0)=1,y(0)=.7]], stepsize=.2,
title=`Lotka-Volterra model`, color = [.3*y(t)*(x(t)-1),x(t)*(1-y(t)),.1],
linecolor=t/2, arrows=MEDIUM, method=rkf45);

[Maple Plot]

We find the equilibria for this model by setting the right hand side of the differential equations equal to zero.

> equil := solve({rhs(MLVx)=0, rhs(MLVy)=0}, {x(t), y(t)});

equil := {x(t) = 0., y(t) = 0.}, {x(t) = 10., y(t) ...
equil := {x(t) = 0., y(t) = 0.}, {x(t) = 10., y(t) ...

Linear analysis of a differential equation near an equilibrium is best done by finding the eigenvalues for the linearized system near the equilibrium.

> with(linalg):

Warning, the name adjoint has been redefined

Warning, the protected names norm and trace have been redefined and unprotected

Create a vector for the right hand side of the differential equation.

> A := vector([0.2*X*(1 - 0.1*X - 0.2*Y),

A := vector([.2*X*(1-.1*X-.2*Y), .3*Y*(.3*X-1)])

Find the Jacobian matrix for this vector function.

> J := jacobian(A, [X,Y]);

J := matrix([[.2-.4e-1*X-.4e-1*Y, -.4e-1*X], [.9e-1...

Analyze the eigenvalues of the Jacobian matrix near the origin (one equilibrium).

> X := 0: Y := 0: J0 := J(0,0);

J0 := matrix([[.2, -0.], [0., -.3]])

> eigenvects(J0);

[.2, 1, {vector([1, 0])}], [-.3, 1, {vector([0, 1])...

This give a saddle node since the eigenvalues are real and opposite in sign.

> X := rhs(equil[3][1]); Y := rhs(equil[3][2]);

X := 3.333333333

Y := 3.333333333

> J1 := J(X,Y);

J1 := matrix([[-.666666666e-1, -.1333333333], [.300...

> eigenvects(J1);

[-.3333333330e-1+.1972026594*I, 1, {vector([-.65734...
[-.3333333330e-1+.1972026594*I, 1, {vector([-.65734...

This give a stable node since the eigenvalues are complex with a negative real part.

The phase portrait above shows these properties very clearly.